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dye solution中文是什么意思

用"dye solution"造句"dye solution"怎么读"dye solution" in a sentence


  • 染料溶液


  • To prepare the dye solution , cover 30 grams of onionskins with water
  • Enhanced nanofiltration for the desalination of reactive blue dye solution with stirring shear
  • Fixed with gluteraldehyde , stained with ph 7 . 4 phosphate buffered x - gal dye solution , observed by reverse microscope , the results are as follow : the percent of larvae expressing lacz in midgut showed that fb - 28 improved the sensitivity of larvae to virus
    病毒感染后的8h , 12h , 16h , 20h提取中肠组织,按常规石蜡包埋切片进行洗涤、透明、浸蜡、包埋、切片、粘片等操作程序,制成连续切片,在倒置显微镜下逐一进行观察计数。
  • To improve the fluorescent intensity of the dyes in alumina film , a series of experiments were conducted . to enlarge the diameter and extend the length of the pores , improve the porosity , and increase the concentration of dye solution can increase the quantity of dye in alumina film . therefore the fluorescent intensity of the dye in alumina film can be enhanced greatly
  • The composite films assembled from [ a - siw12o40 ] 4 - and dye molecules showed characteristic luminescence of the dyes and the emission intensity increased almost linearly with the number of bilayers . moreover , extremely high luminescent intensity of the composite films can be obtained by using dye solutions with very low concentrations
用"dye solution"造句  


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